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Some of the Best That Michigan Has to Offer!

Writer's picture: David HolowchakDavid Holowchak

Michigan has a ton of great courses to choose from, 650 public to be exact, that will fit the bill for almost any type of golfer. If you are truly lucky, you can transpose the sacred boundaries of public and private through connections, buy ins, or memberships, which can really give you the ultimate experience of the top level courses the #landofthehand #golfmecca has.

With that being said, we wanted to showcase our favorite tracks as of 2021; maybe give you readers some ideas or confirm your questioning of certain places.

Here's our list of our favorite courses as of 2021, in no particular order!

  • Signature, Treetops Resort- Gaylord, MI maybe it was just a perfect day or just the perfect group to play with, but this course was a ton of fun to play. The views, the hole layouts, and the timing of visit all worked out to be an impressive experience. Make sure to leave your worst ball at the 18th hole tribute rock for "Divot" for good luck! #northernMIgolf #resortlife #shanty

  • The Legend, Shanty Creek Resort- Bellaire, MI the signature flower design on the first hole of the legendary Arnold Palmer is unmistakable; you know exactly where you are. Incredible undulating fairways and wooded lots make for some truly tough lines and tee shots. #shantycreek #golfkingdom #northernMIgolf

  • Calderone GC, Grass Lake, MI could be the greatest value in all of SE Michigan. The front nine is a fantastic, big- sky links style, with a great Par 5, hole 1, around the Michigan Whitetail HoF building. You can see this course from I94; stop in, you won't be disappointed. Just stay away from the food offerings, those can be questionable. #godscountry #grasslake #calderone

  • Pierce Lake GC, Chelsea, MI probably one of the best county courses, behind Lyon Oaks in Wixom, MI. This course has an awesome layout that truly challenges you, while offering great prices. There is almost always a great voucher to play this course and it is well worth the drive. #piercelakegc #chelseaMI #purplerose

  • Lyon Oaks GC, Wixom, MI the top dog of county courses with the pricing to prove it, this track is a gem if you're willing to pay for it. The front nine is a very scorable layout and the back, you have to hit over some kind of mess every hole. Easy to blow $100+ on playing plus refreshments so take that as you will. #countycourses #oaklandcounty #wixom

  • Arcadia Courses, Arcadia, MI I think everyone has heard of these courses as they're always in discussion for best in the nation. No reason not to be; they're beautiful and offer some amazing views (bluffs course) and one of the most challenging green set ups on every hole I've ever played (south course). High level pricing makes these a limited visit personally but try to get out there every year at least once each. #arcadia #golfmecca #freshcoastgolf

  • Tyrone Hills GC, Fenton, MI one of the older courses in this area or overall, its antique clubhouse makes you feel as if you walked into Bushwood and the Judge is having a Tom Collins at the bar. Lots of room to rip a drive without too much punishment and some really nice holes that will make you say, "man, I really dug that course,". #fentonMI #tyronehillsgc

  • Bucks Run GC, Mt. Pleasant, MI first time playing it and wow, it left an impression! Again, towards the expensive side but worth the price. Clubhouse overlooks the entire course, a river runs through most of it, and they have an island putting course. Can't wait to go back!#bucksrungc #mtpleasant #michigangolf

Obviously this is a small list and we've probably visited 40 or more courses this season, but these stuck out to us for really good reasons. I'm sure we forgot a few items or courses that should make this list but that's what makes each an experience. What are yours?

Don't forget to grab your #GolfNomad #apparel here! Hats, hoodies, shirts & more!

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